Thursday, September 6, 2007

Day One

I Used To Be That Way….

1. Make a list of any fears or negative behaviors that have hurt your weight-loss success in the past. Read each one our load, and then say, “I used to be that way, but now I’m different.”

2. Then write new endings for them by completing this sentence: “I used to _________________________(fill in your old behavior), but now I __________________________(write your new ending).”

3. Read these new outcomes often, and then live in a way that makes them true!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Totally weird to comment on my own post...I know...but I thought I'd put my biggest fear down. You all may think I'm totally weird and messed up...but by biggest fear? Actually losing weight!!! Isn't that messed up!? I'm afraid that if I lose weight, everybody will be impressed and think I'm so much better in a weird way...I'm afraid that my feelings would be hurt because people would rip on the way I look even sounds crazy to me! But I'm terrified people will like me better! Good God!!!