Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day Four

Boundaries, not diets...

If you're like most people, when you're on a diet, you try hard to follow it perfectly. If you slip up and eat a delicious (but forbidden) food, you figure you've blown it, so you might as well eat more. Soon you throw the entire diet out the window!

Instead of getting stuck on the word diet, learn to thing of it as setting boundaries. Boundaries should give you benefits, not punishment! They provide guidelines, not rules.

Picture your diet program as a road or path. As you walk on the road each day, your goal is to stay between the sides of the road.

1. In your notebook, draw a line down the middle of the page, creating two columns.

2. Labe one column "Narrow Road" for your diet plan. Lable the other "Wider Road" for your maintenance or alternative eating.

3. Under the titles, define your eating and exercise plans for each of these roads. Then decide on ways you can be flexible with them without losing sight of the healthy road you want to follow.

When you take a break from your program to work on maintenance (or just fall off the bandwagon a little), you widen the boundaries and allow more variety in your plan...but even on a really bad day, you never eliminate the road or get off it completely.

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