Monday, September 24, 2007

Day Nine

Appreciate Good Support...

Do you fell uncomforatable when you get noticed? If so, you may need to practice the art of accepting complicments and praise more graciously. It's easy to discount people's comments becuase of your own frustrations or opinions. But when you react to them in a negative way, it makes people think their support doesn't mean anything to you.

When someone offers you a genuine comment about your progress, try to respond warmly to the person who pays you the compliment. For example, "You can't imaine how much it means to hear you say that. Thank you!"

On the flip side, avoid hooking people with awkward questions that they can't answer honestly. Here are some examples:
  • Does this make me look fat?
  • Can you tell if I've lost any weight?
  • Does my fat stomach bother you?

People hate these questions! They know you'll probably get upset with their answers or you'll even accuse them of not telling the truth. If you feel inscure or you struggle with your self-esteem, focus on dealing with these issues instead of punishing your support team.

1. Ask a friend or family member to compliment you on anything from your weight loss to your hair or your clothes.

2. Come up with a response that affirms the person who gave you the compliment. For example, "You really made my day by telling me that! Thank you so much!"

3. Record your favorite responses in your notebook.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Day Eight

Help me, please....

Do you ever wish you could get more support from people around you? If only the "helpers" in your life knew exactly what you wanted them to say! Unfortunately, they don't. In fact, sometimes they just make things worse.

Decide what you want. To get support you have to train them. Decide what type of support you truly need. Do you want words of encouragement? Silence? Help with meal choices? Instead of being hurt or angry, let them know how they can help you. Clarify exactly what you need and be specific in your requests.

1. In your journal, write a list of things that people are always welcome to say or do in regard to your weight-loss efforts.

2. Create another list of things you don't ever want people to say or do.

3. Read both lists to people, including your close co-workers, family, spouse, children, or friends.

Day Seven

I can do it!

To increase your success with this program, skyrocket your self-talk and create a strong belief that you can do this! Become your own cheerleader!

Think about why you are so convinced you can be successful. Invent several phrases that reinforce your determination to stay on your plan.

Here are a few ideas:
  • I'm totally determined.
  • I've done it before and I can do it again.
  • I'm using a great weight-loss plan.
  • I'm capable of accomplishing anything!
  • Others have done it and so can I!

Inspire yourself with real-life stories of other's weight-loss. Practice saying "I can do it" over and over until you push them deep in your mind. You will succeed!

1. Tell yourself "I can do it" at least 10 times. Use this to cheerlead yourself through the entire day!

2. In your notebook, wirte "I can do it because..." and then add a few supportive phrases such as "I'm capable of doing anything".

3. Read your phrases often, using them to reinforce your goals and build your enthusiasm.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Day Six

Protect your program...

No one will ever care as much about your diet plan as you. So it's your job to prevent people or events from pulling you off track.

Anytime you feel pressured to eat something, you can sidestop the food pusher by hinting that you'll eat later. Respond with "Not just yet; I'm going to wait a little while". If asked again later...respond with "Thanks, but I'll still wait a little bit".

1. Watch for chances to respond to food invitations by using the line "Not just yet; I'm going to wait a little while".

2. Identify at least three high-risk times or events such as family gatherings or quiet weekends. In your notebook, write down how you'll protect your diet program during each of these.

3. Do at least one thing today that reinforces your determination to protect your program at all costs.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day Five

Magic Notebook

For many people, recording personal thoughts or actions each day provides valuable insight. It also serves as an outlet for emotions and struggles around weight-loss efforts.

Just because you think about food doesn't mean you have to eat it. Whenever you crave a specific food, write it down in your notebook - this takes it "out of your head". Whenever a food thought crosses your mind, remind yourself that you don't have to act on it. Instead, write down the name or even a description of the food and then anticipate the pleasure of eating it sometime in the future.

Practice the skill of observing food cues, then letting them go. When you walk into a movie theater, notice the smell of popcorn, and then forget about it. If it helps, record these cues in your "magic notebook". Tell yourself, "That popcorn smells good, but I'm not going to eat any right now. I'll simply postpone it until another day".

1. Whenever you thing about a paticular food you want, write it down in your notebook.

2. Plan that you'll eat it another time. If you wish, add the amount you'll have and how often you'll fit it into your program.

3. Stretch the times further apart for eating this food. You may discover that after a while, certain foods don't seem as important to you as they once did.

I've listed my "Forbidden Foods". Please comment with your "Forbidden Foods"...I'd love to see what they are! These are foods that are not healthy...but you crave anyway!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Day Four

Boundaries, not diets...

If you're like most people, when you're on a diet, you try hard to follow it perfectly. If you slip up and eat a delicious (but forbidden) food, you figure you've blown it, so you might as well eat more. Soon you throw the entire diet out the window!

Instead of getting stuck on the word diet, learn to thing of it as setting boundaries. Boundaries should give you benefits, not punishment! They provide guidelines, not rules.

Picture your diet program as a road or path. As you walk on the road each day, your goal is to stay between the sides of the road.

1. In your notebook, draw a line down the middle of the page, creating two columns.

2. Labe one column "Narrow Road" for your diet plan. Lable the other "Wider Road" for your maintenance or alternative eating.

3. Under the titles, define your eating and exercise plans for each of these roads. Then decide on ways you can be flexible with them without losing sight of the healthy road you want to follow.

When you take a break from your program to work on maintenance (or just fall off the bandwagon a little), you widen the boundaries and allow more variety in your plan...but even on a really bad day, you never eliminate the road or get off it completely.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Day Three

Do it anyway!

You don't usually wait until your feel like going to work. You just go! In the same way, you don't have to feel like working on your weight-loss plan to stick with your program.

To improve your commitment, learn to focus on your actions, not just your feelings.

Make healthy choices no matter what, regardless of whether your feel like it or not! Remember that when your truly committed, you're do it anyway!

1. In your diet or exercise plan, identify a task you don't feel like doing, and then do it anyway!

2. Notice how it feels to accomplish a goal by taking a "no matter what" approach to it.

3. In your notebook (aka blog), make a list of actions you plan to stick with today, regardless of how you feel at the moment.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Day Two

Interested or Committed

Decide that you will always be committed to your weight-loss plan, not just interested.

In your notebook, describe how you will stick with your program, no matter what.

Do at least one thing today that demonstrates you are truly committed. For example, take a walk or eat your vegetable – no matter what.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Day One

I Used To Be That Way….

1. Make a list of any fears or negative behaviors that have hurt your weight-loss success in the past. Read each one our load, and then say, “I used to be that way, but now I’m different.”

2. Then write new endings for them by completing this sentence: “I used to _________________________(fill in your old behavior), but now I __________________________(write your new ending).”

3. Read these new outcomes often, and then live in a way that makes them true!

100 Days of Daily Motivations (minus weekends!)

I bought this book yesterday…it’s called 100 Days of Weight Loss – A Daily Motivator. It gives you a chapter a day to keep you motivated….the bonus? Chapters are only two pages and they include action steps…in fact…I’m going to post them (action steps) on my diet blog…check back for the next 100 weekdays for motivation!!!!

The book is subdivided in 10-day blocks as follows:

1. Set up for success
2. Put food in its place
3. Conscious eating
4. Listen to your body
5. Jump-start motivation
6. Emotional eating
7. Triggers and word play
8. Growing stronger
9. Long-term success
10. Put it into action

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cool Tip Site

Hey...I ran across this site...pretty neat info....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hmmmm.... I decided to give the diet a's the thing...I am sooo horrible at commitment...that it's 1:30 in the afternoon and I've had 5 sips of hot lemon water.

According to my calculations I should be on my 4th cup of hot lemon water and finished with 3 glasses of ice water...

Man...and I thought sticking to exercise was hard!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Lose 30 lbs by Labor Day!


I just read an article in First Magazine that boasts "Lose 30lbs by Labor Day". Well....sign me up!

Too good to be true? Maybe...but it's worth a shot! Here's how it works...

Apparently WATER is a magical concoction that can maximize your body's slimming systems up to 50% more effective...allowing you to shed up to 10 lbs per week...who knew!!!??

Here's the lowdown:
Hot Water triggers body-wide detox
Lukewarm Water supresses appetite
Cold Water gives your body a workout

Even slight dehydration slows all of the body's functions by 50%...including the thyroid and adrenal glands...which control weight. Your brain is 80% water...and since dehydration offsets appetite-regulating functions, drinking 4oz of water every hour is essential for preventing weight gain.

The Plan
1. Start with 8oz of Hot Lemon water. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon, plus 1tsp finely grated lemon zest into a mug and add hot water. Sip slowly.

2. Alternate steamy and icy sips throughout the day. This works as an internal hydrotherapy that cleanses the body. Every hour switch from Hot Lemon Water to Ice Water. Repeat this cycle twice (at nonmeal times)

3. Drink lukewarm water before meals and snacks. This signals satisfaction and can lead to an average of 104 less calories consumed-which is enough to help you shed 31 lbs a year. To maximize the effect, down a whole glass at once...this stretches your stomach lining rapidly, which stimulates the vagus nerve to shut down food cravings.

On a side note...Fiji Water may be the key to optimal health. It's perfectly pH balanced and uniquely rich in silica. According to scientist, drinking 1.5 liters of Fiji water daily can reduce fatigue, chronic stress, and other health hassles by 67% within 9 weeks. Plus, drinking Fiji Water instead of other bottled water helped subjects loses an additional 1lb every week!

In a test of 1,000 bottled water brands, 22% had chemical amounts above state health limits. The 2 best chemical free brands were Poland Spring and Evian. Other safe brands are listed at

Post a comment if you'll give this "diet" a shot....I'm dying to know if it works!!!!!!

Bottoms Up!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I'm Back!! I TOTALLY need to start blogging again...I have SOOO much to say! First off...Just to clear the record....I have not gained 892 lbs and fallen off the face of the earth...I've just been super I've been exceptionally good at updating our photography blog....

Anyways...I'll be putting a couple different posts up over the next few minutes, hours, days...

I'm going to keep this post at the top...for the 1 or 2 of you out there who have "hung on"....bless your souls whoever you are!

Attention Tea and Coffee Lovers

So I discovered this GREAT new tea! Yerba Mate Latte.

It's made by The Republic of Tea.

It's a deep, chocolaty brew that taste mildly like coffee or chai tea. It contains an exotic blend of cocoa and Brazilian Mate,Rooibos, cactus flowers and almonds.

It's all about the Brazilian Mate. Yerba mate is very popular in South America, as popular - and perhaps more so - than coffee is here. Users report a mental state of wakefulness, focus and alertness.

Throughout South America, yerba mate is utilised as a tonic, diuretic, and as a stimulant to reduce fatigue, curb the appetite, and helps with gastric functions. In Brazil, yerba mate is believed to stimulate the nervous and muscular systems and is used for digestive problems, renal colic, nerve pain, depression, fatigue, and obesity. Some of these claims have now been backed up by scientific research!

Best helps you lose weight! Brazilian Mate has also been found to be thermogenic, which means that this herb encourages the body to burn calories.

French Paradox

Ok...this is the stuff that the Da Vinci Code is made of...what is WITH all the super skinny French people! Hello!!! I've eaten Croissants...I know first hand that it is practically IMPOSSIBLE to stop at one...but yet...all those French women are so thin!

I was reading an article on about this very subject.

Here's the cliff notes:

-11% of people in France have weight problems as opposed to a whopping 67% in's crazy!!!

-America looks at food as bad and guilty...the French love food and look at it in pleasure

-French women DO NOT diet or live by the scale...if their pants are tight...they've overeaten. Period.

Now this lady wrote a book that has ALL the secrets...apparently women have been losing lots of

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My lame excuse...

I posted a few entries on the family blog if anyone is interested!

I'm still here!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I promise to be better about it!

I haven't gained any weight and I am still trying (nobody caught that right?)to eat healthy...

I have quite a few diet stories to blog I'll compile them and post them soon!

Thanks for kicking my butt about blogging again!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Whine whine whine... I have to start by saying..."I am soooo sick"!

I feel miserable! I don't know if it's a cold or allergies or I'm dying...I am so exhausted that I can't even see straight!

So, I had a pretty OK Day 3…I ate great…but I didn’t get my 20 crunches or 30 minutes of walking in…I just felt too tired…ugh…

So I had a conversation with Missy yesterday about the “Magical Breakfast Blaster” shake. Her mom…who is an endless source of knowledge on health issues…said that Soy Protein is in fact very bad for you…hmmmmm…so, I did a little research and it turns out that soy really isn’t as great as everyone says…now…I am fully convinced that everything in this country is a carcinogen and has the potential to kill you…and I mean everything…from burnt toast to cheerleader moms…but I found a website that lists the potential dangers of soy. I figure since I posted a “killer” shake…I’d better do my “due diligence” and post the website too!

On another note…another meal my You On A Diet book suggests is a Boca Burger on a Whole Grain English Muffin. Now, I’ve never had a Boca Burger or any other kind of meatless burger…truthfully I think it’s due to the fact that I picture only tree-hugging PETA freaks eating that crap…but since I am now trying to be a faithful subject to Dr. Oz (check out the Oprah website link)…I gave it a shot…here’s the thing…it tastes freakishly like a McDonalds hamburger…now…the question is…is this a salute to the people over at the Boca Burger plant or a red flag for the folks at McDonalds…I’m not saying, I’m just saying…

On another note, I have to post a recipe that Nikki (another co-worker…who ironically enough is married to Adam…the other co-worker I blogged about yesterday) brought in. I told her she was the Devil Incarnate because these bars were so damn good and probably so damn bad for you. She fed me a line of crap about how she made them with Wheat Flour and Oats, which are both really really good for you…I didn’t buy it…but I still broke down and had a small bite…

Oatmeal Caramelitas
2 C. Flour (apparently if you use whole wheat it makes these healthy!)
2 C. Quick Cooking Oats
1 ½ C. Brown Sugar
1 tsp. Baking Soda
½ tsp. Salt

1 jar Smucker’s Caramel Ice Cream Topping
3 Tbsp. Flour
1 C. Semisweet Chocolate Chips
½ C. Chopped Nuts

Heat oven to 350 F. Grease 13 x 9 pan. In large bowl, beat base ingredients until crumbly. Reserve half of mixture for topping. Press remaining into bottom of pan.

Bake 10 minutes. Meanwhile, in small bowl stir caramel topping and flour. Sprinkle chocolate chips and nuts over partially baked base. Drizzle evenly with caramel mixture; sprinkle with reserved crumb mixture.

Bake 18-22 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely in pan for about 1 hour. Refrigerate 1-2 hours or until filling is set. Cut into bars and store in airtight container.

Make these and you too will be cursing Nikki!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Date Night Disaster!

Well, I'm officially starting Day 3!

The good news...
Day 2 was pretty good...I wasn't as hungry as I was on Day 1....which is great! I even walked to the 4th floor twice, did my 20 crunches, and walked 30 minutes.

The bad news...
Every Tuesday is "Date Night" for Shawn and I. Now...if you've ever had the opportunity to live in Eau Claire, WI you will quickly find out that there is nothing to do in this town short of filling your face and binge drinking...

Yeah, about that....

So we started off by going to a little Greek dive with great food. I got the Gyro came with a salad...great! So far so good! I ate the Gyro meat and only had about 1/4 of the pita...which looked suspiciously healthy all went down hill when I ordered the Baklava...I stared at it through dinner...and then hopefully asked Shawn "It probably is not that bad right? I has walnuts in it...". Shawn, being the realist that he is promptly told me it was probably really bad...and me....well, being me, promptly ate it. I justified it by the fact that I had not had a snack that afternoon and did not order pop, but water...this is a ridiculous justification...I know...

After feeling horribly guilty, I suggested that we go to the gym (at work) and I walk 30 minutes. So away we went. I walked, watched a little Idol, made chit-chat with Adam (a co-worker who was also working out) and before I knew it, I was feeling great!

Not ready to go home, I decide to go to the local Mexican dive - aren't I cultured!? to get a $0.99 Margarita. Well, somewhere along the way the $0.99 Margarita turned into two mucho sized Margaritas, a Caramel Flan, and Chips and Salsa...I'm so ashamed!!!

So, I sit here today in guilt, pity, and a small hang-over and pledge to you...I will walk to the 4th floor 3 times, do 30 crunches, and walk for 40 minutes (hey, I'm only human!)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Add Your Comments!

I've changed the settings on my site so that anyone should be able to take advantage of this!!!! I'd like your thoughts!!

Magical Breakfast Blaster

I got a request from one of my avid readers (Hi Joe!) for the protein shake I blogged about it is!

The Quick Magical Breakfast Blaster
2 servings, 136 calories per serving

1 scoop (1/3 cup) Soy protein
1/2 tablespoon flaxseed oil
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 large ripe banana (or other fruits of your choice)
1/2 tablespoon apple juice concentrate or honey
1 tsp Psyillium seed husks (I couldn't find this)

Peel banana; break into chunks. Put all ingredients in a blender. Add 12 ounces of water and ice, as well as powdered vitamins. Cover, blend until fairly smooth.

MJ and the Birdseed

Good morning!!!!

My friend Melissa emailed me...apparently you can't post to this blog unless you have a Gmail Account....sorry guys! If you're interested in one, just shoot me an email and I can invite you...apparently Gmail is invitation only.

I thought Melissa had some great all you closet dieters can learn from her! Here's what she wrote:

I don't have a gmail account so I can't post this. Be here is what I would have posted.

Way to go Heather! I'm so proud of you! For those of you who might not know me (Heather's goofy friend from Glenwood City) I started my weight management journey at the tender age of 14. Not what I recommend, but like I said, I'm a goofball.
I lost 25 pounds one summer before starting the 8th grade and I made a commitment to never be overweight again. Yes, I am a bit "goal-oriented" as some would say. But hey, at 32 I now have about 18 years of experience under my belt. Here are my secrets:

Learn to pack healthy lunches and plan healthy meals. Always. Don't get sucked into the junk food and convenience food mode.

Find a type of fitness you really enjoy and can see doing the rest of your life (seriously) I enjoy walking and aerobics. I do this 3-4 times a week for over 30 minutes a day. Luckily, I have a fitness center at work.

Learn portion control and practice it everyday. You will be surprised at what true portion sizes really are.

Don't drink pop.

Stop eating 3 hours before bedtime.

Basically, make wise food choices every time you put something in your mouth. you really need that "treat" or if there is a healthier alternative. Breakfast and Lunch can be nearly fool-proof with this method. Yes, this is unrealistic that every choice will be a good one. But if you do this 85% of the time and have your exercise routine down, that 15% of bad stuff will not cause much (if any) weight gain. So, don't be too hard on yourself.

Write down what you eat. Like Heather is doing.

Now, the depressing part. This is how it is going to be. It is a life change in how you think and act regarding food.

Best of luck Heather! I know you will do great!


Thanks Melissa!!!!! I've always remembered how you told me that after you lost your weight you ran around the track with the bags of birdseed to remember how it felt to be that much heavier...even though that is slightly messed up (J/K)...I remember thinking how I could never run around the track with the damn I could imagine how good and how much easier it would feel to be less that much my new motivation is to think about birdseed!!!!
I measured my waist and I lost 1/2 inch! Not too shabby!
The Asian Salmon was great and I stuck to my fitness goals yesterday! I'd like to think that Day 1 was a raging I tackle Day 2.

Here is the Asian Salmon recipe I promised...I'll just post the marinade...I don't think it matters how you cook long as it's not deep-fried!

Asian Marinade
1 Tablespoon of Maple Syrup (I would think honey would be good too)
1 Tablesppon of Soy Sauce
1 Tablespoon of fresh grated ginger
(I found a jar of fresh ginger in the health food isle at Festival Foods! I was so excited because I HATE grating ginger! Plus, the whole jar was less than $2.00 and it will keep in the fridge)
1 Tablesppon of minced garlic
1 Tablesppon of sliced scallions (just the green part)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Don't eat the Peanut Butter!

It's 1 of my diet! We'll see how it goes! I got up this morning at 6:30...which according to my daughter was really 5:30...she has been "re-calculating the time every 5 minutes...I never realized that Daylight Savings would be so fascinating for a 9 year old!

I have my lunch and snack all packed! For breakfast I had a banana and a peice of Brownberry toast w/Peanut Butter....

Ok...we need to talk about this Peanut Butter...

So it's from Smart Balance and contains 1000 mg Omega-3’s per serving. It has no hydrogenated oil; no trans fatty acid and no refined sugar. All natural but doesn’t need refrigeration.

It also touts a great peanutty'm not about to negate the peanutty does have a nice peanut nuance to it...what I have a problem with is the FISH after-taste! This crap is DISGUSTING!!

I really hope the Peanut Butter is not setting the stage for this whole diet!

I also made my "Magic Blaster" protein shake for lunch. I made one on Saturday and liked it ok...not my first choice in a meal...but if it get's me a step closer to "Super-Model" status, I'll survive...

My goal today is to walk up to the 4th floor here at work at least twice, do 20 sit-ups, and walk 30 minutes.

Tonight we're having Asian Salmon and Brown Rice Pilaf for supper...if it turns out to be edible, I'll post the recipe!

If you're interested in the plan that I'm going to follow you can check out Oprah's is the link!