I just read an article in First Magazine that boasts "Lose 30lbs by Labor Day". Well....sign me up!
Too good to be true? Maybe...but it's worth a shot! Here's how it works...
Apparently WATER is a magical concoction that can maximize your body's slimming systems up to 50% more effective...allowing you to shed up to 10 lbs per week...who knew!!!??
Here's the lowdown:
Hot Water triggers body-wide detox
Lukewarm Water supresses appetite
Cold Water gives your body a workout
Even slight dehydration slows all of the body's functions by 50%...including the thyroid and adrenal glands...which control weight. Your brain is 80% water...and since dehydration offsets appetite-regulating functions, drinking 4oz of water every hour is essential for preventing weight gain.
The Plan
1. Start with 8oz of Hot Lemon water. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon, plus 1tsp finely grated lemon zest into a mug and add hot water. Sip slowly.
2. Alternate steamy and icy sips throughout the day. This works as an internal hydrotherapy that cleanses the body. Every hour switch from Hot Lemon Water to Ice Water. Repeat this cycle twice (at nonmeal times)
3. Drink lukewarm water before meals and snacks. This signals satisfaction and can lead to an average of 104 less calories consumed-which is enough to help you shed 31 lbs a year. To maximize the effect, down a whole glass at once...this stretches your stomach lining rapidly, which stimulates the vagus nerve to shut down food cravings.
On a side note...Fiji Water may be the key to optimal health. It's perfectly pH balanced and uniquely rich in silica. According to scientist, drinking 1.5 liters of Fiji water daily can reduce fatigue, chronic stress, and other health hassles by 67% within 9 weeks. Plus, drinking Fiji Water instead of other bottled water helped subjects loses an additional 1lb every week!
In a test of 1,000 bottled water brands, 22% had chemical amounts above state health limits. The 2 best chemical free brands were Poland Spring and Evian. Other safe brands are listed at nsf.org/certified/bwpi
Post a comment if you'll give this "diet" a shot....I'm dying to know if it works!!!!!!
Bottoms Up!
1 comment:
I am sure this could really work for me... one sip of hot water and it would be coming up! I could never drink warm/hot water.
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